Adult Swimming Lessons

I have been teaching Adult Shaw Method swimming lessons since 2013 and over the years have taught a huge variety of swimmers and non-swimmers.

The technique breaks down each swimming stroke into small individual movements which can be practised independently in order to build up to the full stroke. Learning to relax and work with the water is a key element of the method and I’ve found students discover a new love of swimming once they stop fighting the water and feel the support that it gives them.

Often speed is the only focus when swimming, which can exacerbate injuries and cause strain and tension in the body. Swimming with the support of the water and awareness of our head, neck and back relationship means we’re much less likely to cause injury and this awareness can help to improve not only our efficiency in the water, but our movement patterns on land as well.

I always work in the water with students, so that I can communicate effectively, demonstrate and give support when needed.

It’s a fabulous approach and I teach people of all abilities - from non-swimmers with a fear of water through to competent swimmers who wish to improve their strokes.

The Shaw Method

The Shaw Method was founded in 1987 by former competitive swimmer Steven Shaw. It’s a uniquely holistic approach to swimming, which focuses on enjoying the water and working with it in order to swim efficiently, effectively and gracefully.

Applying principles of the Alexander Technique (a technique which addresses long standing and habitual movement patterns), the method concentrates on good body alignment and easing stress and tension through the head, neck and back. After recovering from neck and back pain (brought on by competitive training), Steven applied the basic principles of the Alexander Technique to his swimming to develop the Shaw Method.

I completed my training with Steven in 2013 and still work closely with him in order to stay updated on his work.